A beautiful

and classic way

to print your treasured images.


Printed on 440gsm archival canvas and stretched onto a Meranti hardwood frame. The canvas is finished with a Satin laminate protecting the artwork against UV and abrasion. The archival canvas is guaranteed for 75 years. This is a superior canvas product.

The American Canvas used for this product meets the standards set out by the UK Fine Art Trade Guild. The canvas is printed using giclee pigment inks and spray laminated to protect the image from dust, abrasions, mould and moisture. The canvas is stretched over profiled Meranti hardwood stretcher bar frame. The reason for using Meranti is to ensure there is no shrinking, twisting or warping, like the inexpensive pine frames used by so many other businesses out there.

When sending the files through, if you are needing help to resize and crop please let us know.